Lets face it. Without our eyes, we are nothing. We rely so much in our eyes that more often that frequently, we abuse them thinking that they will always stay what they are presently. I actually know alot of people who just dont care about their eyes and whats even sadder is that, they are not eve aware of it.
Eye care is essential to maintaining the health of our eyes. People with eye diseases that greatly affect their vision face many problems. They are physically hampered by impaired vision. They are not able to perform daily activities like driving or working. Some are barely able to see or have lost their vision entirely. They are also faced with emotional stress. People with dramatic eye problems face many issues that can lead to solitude and depression. This strain also affects friends and families.
They are not able to enjoy everyday moments or special events. Eye problems can also be very costly to individuals that's the main reason why prevention is always better that cure. Eye vitamins will help alot of people in this endeavor and so will Macular Degeneration Vitamins and AREDS.
I hope this post will really enhance your knowledge and basis for your eye care.Merry Christmas everyone!
Eye Care 101 - What You Need To Know
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Posted by
7:52 PM
Another Alternative To YM, Chat Lines
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Yes lads, do you remember the old and cranky free chat that Yahoo Messenger used to offer us? They actually started out very good and very secure for us and i have to be honest, they were really satisfying during the early days of their chat lines.
Today, I have come across a site that offers phone chat and personalized voice chat especially for teens. They are still very new and i think they would be very interesting for you so i posted them up here. Check them out!
Posted by
3:36 PM
Bad Credit Offers, Avoid Them!
This is my tip for today ladies and gentlemen. Bad credit loans is so widespread today that we dont even have the chance to distinguish which one can really help us especially when we need a personal loan for health care. As you might already know, health care today costs more than what people spend on daily necessities.
I actually visited the site and compared the offers that the web site listed in connection to their effort to give you guys a better glimpse of what each credit offers. and I think they did a pretty good job doing so. Check them out!
Posted by
3:30 PM
Weaning, An Intergral Part Of Growing Up
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Today, my guest blogger is none other than my cousin. She always wanted me to have her as guest to this blog so, here she is. Tell me what you think of her writing guys. She will be giving you tips about weaning.
Our daughter is ready to be weaned as she already graduated from breastfeeding and as a result I have been tasked with the preparation of the food. Thankfully, it is one of my areas of ability in the parenting field and I have peeled, boiled, pureed and put fresh apples into tiny, little containers.
The baby rice has been on the menu for the past week, and it has gone down quite well, but unfortunately the transition to apple has been less successful, perhaps as it comes out rather tart at the end of the process. Why, I don't know, but no doubt some nutritionist will explain.
Second choice was carrot, and two large ones were peeled, diced and boiled before the hand blender came into action and the resultant mash was placed into the tiny boxes, which are probably 1.5 inches cubed, hence the picture.
However, pureed carrot has the tendency to stain badly and irredeemably, so daughter has to be fed carefully and with a bib, a cloth to catch splashes, something to wipe child, chair, clothes and parents and at least four hands to manage everything. Like her biggest brother, carrots are much appreciated, and are going down a treat, so I am scouring through the recipe books for the next exciting mush to prepare.
Posted by
6:53 AM
Make You Babies Healthy, Choose Only The Best
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Having a baby is a very stressful time for the whole family especially for the mother. It is a time where we get in touch with the values that our mothers experienced way back when we were being conceived and eventually came out of our mother's wombs.
Babies are precious beings. Mothers only give the best for the baby; from the clothes that the baby wears to the baby products that the baby is going to play with up to the food and supplements that the little angel would be nourished on, we only want the very best that money can offer. With this in mind, having a definite plan of the things that the baby will really spare us alot of time and money.
I found a website that compares baby equipment in the internet today and rates it according to some expert's advice and opinions on the products. They also offer baby product reviews that lets you browse over to the merchandise that you are looking for and saves you the time of referring to others regarding the products advantages, disadvantages and also the corresponding quality.
This is great because I can really say that mothers get stressed easily during this stage of their life especially when things pile up and she could not keep up with the workload. Sites like these would be very beneficial to every mother so in the coming posts, im going to let you know of any other sites that I might come across with. Till then, be safe, be healthy and be well.
Posted by
4:29 AM